
Hey there!  We are life-long pet owners of various pets.  We have each lived with dogs our entire lives.  We have had our Yellow Lab Daisy for about 10 years.  We want to provide as much information about Yellow Labs to help other dog owners with the challenges and struggles they may have.  We have gained a lot of knowledge about Yellow Labs over the last 10 years.  We have made mistakes as well as great choices and want to help other owners make the best choices possible and limit their mistakes.

This blog will discuss the questions we have had and other owners have asked us.  Daisy, our Yellow Lab, has had her share of unique issues and we have spent some time, and money, at the veterinarian.  The Vet has been fantastic and is always there to help and has actually saved our dog’s life when she had a crazy reaction to stress, creating a massive seizure.  The Vet did such a great job there are no lasting symptoms we can identify in our dog.  We will talk about this very heart wrenching episode in our life on the blog.

When we write about anything it is based in fact with our own experiences adding some additional detail and flavor to the articles.  Please reach out to us if you ever have any questions or would like to chat.  We will do our best to answer any questions you have.

Thank you!