Are Yellow Labs Good Duck Dogs?

The yellow labrador retriever is the most popular duck dog in the US today. In case you didn’t know, a duck dog is a dog that’s trained specifically to help you in hunting wild ducks in the woods or from ponds.

So, what makes labradors unique, and what has coat color to do with their hunting abilities? In this article, we’ll answer those questions and also find out: are yellow labs good duck dogs?

Ancestry of Labrador Retrievers

The exact ancestry of labradors is unknown, but we know that humans have been breeding dogs for centuries for specific desirable traits. For example, German Shepherds, as the name suggests, were bred purposefully to herd cattle since they have strong protective instincts.

Labs originated in the 1800s in Newfoundland, an eastern province in the Atlantic region of Canada. In 1830, a few upper-class Englishmen took interest in these dogs and brought some home to help with fishing. Labradors are direct descendants of St John’s water dogs.

In 1903 and 1917, the labrador was recognized as a breed by the Kennel Club in England and the American Kennel Club respectively.

Does Labrador Coat Color Matter?

Yellow lab dog hunting duck

The most common labrador coat colors are black, yellow, and chocolate. For over 100 years, black was the most popular color for labs since they were perceived as stronger and “more authentic”.

In recent years, trends that favor black labs are dying out, making yellow labs more desirable as duck dogs. Spoiler: lab coat color doesn’t determine hunting skills and instincts.

By popular belief, chocolate labs were thought to be less intelligent and were reserved for shows. Yet, in 2008, the first chocolate-colored lab, Coke, participated in the IGL Retriever Championship and performed impressively. Even though Coke didn’t come first place, he won a few rounds.

Now, what coat color does affect is the dog’s ability to camouflage, that is, to blend with its surroundings. So, if you’re chasing ducks in the woods where the ground and tree barks are yellowish, the yellow labs are better suited to hunt, since it would be harder for the prey to see them.

On the other hand, a black lab would be perfect for the job if you’re hunting at night. That way, your dog would be stealthy and inconspicuous.

When you’re choosing a duck dog to adopt, ask your breeder about the puppy’s lineage. Learn about the mother and father’s hunting instincts, like how they locate the prey, how fast they can run or swim, etc.

Why Are Labradors Good Duck Dogs?

From the beginning of time, labradors were intentionally bred to hunt ducks. The result was a brilliant breed of dogs that’s strong and easy to train. Here are some characteristics of labs that make them ideal duck dogs.


Black Labrador dog hunting duck

Although labs are gentle enough to keep as house dogs, they’re very energetic and need a lot of time outdoors. When left to themselves, labs enjoy doing physical activities like running in the park or playing fetch.


Labs are known for their intelligence, which is evident in their good memory. For example, they can locate and recall the exact spot where the hunted duck fell.

Natural Swimmers

We can say with confidence that labs are built to swim. They have otter-like tails and webbed paws that propel them forward while swimming.

Back in Newfoundland where labs originated, these dogs helped our fisherman ancestors to retrieve fishing nets, ropes, and other fishing equipment from the water.

Fast Runners

Labradors are highly athletic and can sprint at a strikingly high speed of 35 mph. For reference, the fastest human runner, Usain Bolt, recorded a maximum speed of 27.3 mph.

Waterproof Coat

Labradors have a water-resistant coat which allows water drops to slip right off as soon as they’re out of the lake. This way, the skin under the coat remains warm and dry. For brief periods, your lab can safely swim in cold water to retrieve the prey bird.

Soft Mouth

Brown labrador folding a duck he hunted

Dogs have sharp teeth to tear and chew meat, right? Yes, that’s true, even for labradors with ‘soft mouths’. This trait means a dog gently holds things in its mouth, without biting into them.

Some owners test their dog’s ability to carry things softly in their mouths by giving them an egg to hold. Dogs with soft mouths, like labs, won’t break the egg. Likewise, labs will bring a live duck back to you unharmed.


According to many dog trainers, labs are easy to train because they’re highly motivated by food and praise. They’re also enthusiastic and willing to pick up new skills as soon as they’ve mastered the basic ones.

Are Male or Female Labs Better Duck Dogs?

Just to be clear, we can’t make generalizations based on sex because each dog is unique and there aren’t clear distinctions in hunting abilities between male and female labs. However, there’s a difference between the challenges that each sex faces.

For females, being in heat during the hunting season will make your unspayed dog tired and irritable. Dogs in heat will be easily distracted since their main instinct at this time is to find a mate.

Males, on the other hand, tend to pee on trees to mark their territory. Whoever pees on a tree first claims it to be his. So, when several male dogs hunt in the same area, this puts them in competition with one another.


In this article, we answered: are yellow labs good duck dogs? The short answer is yes. Although coat color doesn’t affect a labrador’s ability to hunt, yellow labs are the most popular duck dogs today.

Labs of all colors are great duck dogs because they’re intelligent, energetic, good swimmers, and have waterproof coats. Additionally, they’re fast runners, easy to train, and have soft mouths.