When Do Yellow Labs Calm Down: Age Range, Training, and Tips

Yellow Labradors are known for their limitless energy, boundless enthusiasm, and never-ending love for playtime. Because of these traits, Labs capture the hearts of many dog lovers and are considered the perfect pets.

However, the same characteristics can sometimes cause yellow Labs to be quite a handful. If you’ve just gotten a yellow Lab of your own, you might ask questions about their hyperactivity. For example, when do yellow Labs calm down?

You don’t have to look any further because this article will tell you everything you need to know about your yellow Lab’s energy levels. Let’s get started!

Why Is My Yellow Lab Hyperactive?

The Labrador breed is known for its energetic and lively temperament. Having been bred to be smart working dogs, it’s part of their genetic makeup to be active.

The tendency to be hyper is most observable when the dogs are 5-8 months old. Puppy labs are especially known to be hyperactive, engaging in lots of activities and resting for short periods.

Beyond the puppy phase, excessive levels of hyperactivity may be due to your Lab receiving an insufficient amount of exercise or lacking the necessary behavioral training.

At What Age Do Yellow Labs Calm Down?

Labs generally start calming down when they are 2-4 years old. Yellow labs are more responsive to instructions and are easier to lead when they reach the two-year mark. However, don’t expect your Lab to mellow down completely upon reaching adulthood.

Being a high-energy dog will always be part of his nature. While advancing in age, yellow Labs go through numerous behavior phases, which explain the changes in their temperament as they grow.

Labrador dog barking

Training a Yellow Labrador To Be Calm

Consistent behavior training is essential to raising a calm and well-mannered yellow Lab. It takes patience to establish trust between you and your Lab, but your bond will be unbreakable once it’s achieved. Start off by training your doggy to be calm in quiet environments first.

Once this is done, you can move to busier and more exciting places to see how your Lab will react. Bit by bit, you can also expose your Lab to settings where there are people and allow him to mingle with other pets.

Don’t forget to reinforce calm behavior by giving him treats and praises. Remember to avoid getting your Lab too excited over treats. Wait until he’s settled before putting a treat near him and gently petting him for being such a calm doggy.

When your Lab acts aggressively, be firm and use the word “no” to correct his behavior.

Tips on Calming Down a Yellow Labrador

1.   Exercise Regularly

Sufficient exercise is key to maintaining a calm disposition in yellow Labs. Unnecessary chewing, bouncing, and other forms of self-entertainment are signs that your Lab isn’t getting enough exercise.

A bored yellow Lab might even resort to chewing on shoes and furniture when left on his own. Finally, stick to an exercise schedule to keep your Lab in a cool state of mind. Adult Labs need about two hours of exercise daily to maintain a good shape.

2.   Try New Activities

It’s not a bad idea to mix and match the activities you engage in with your yellow Lab. This breed’s intelligence and responsiveness to commands will surprise and delight any dog owner.

Keeping your Lab physically and mentally stimulated with vigorous sports and games will help maintain calmness. Here are a few fun activities to try:

  • Dog tricks
  • Obstacle courses
  • Fetching
  • Swimming and water activities
  • Hiking
  • Running
  • Frisbee
  • Ball games

Grooming activities and belly rubs will also have a calming effect on your yellow Lab. When you and your Lab are stuck indoors, playing with toys can be a good alternative.

3.   Be Calm and Maintain Control

Being too aggressive and hyper around your yellow Lab can cause him to think that such behavior is acceptable. Steer clear of exaggerated reactions and unruly tone of voice when speaking to him. It’s important to show calm body language around your Lab, especially when he’s hyper.

Communicate gently and quietly; teach him to match your energy level. Remember to relay this information to other family members, too, so that everyone will know how to act around your Lab.

Also, try to regulate your playing habits so that your games don’t get out of control. When walking your Lab, use a leash to lead and show full control over him.

4.   Praise and Give Treats When Calm

Reinforcement of good behavior is an important aspect of calming down your yellow Lab. Whenever he obeys your command and behaves himself, praise your Lab and offer a well-earned treat.

You can also pet your Lab whenever he’s quiet and relaxed. This is to make sure that he knows that he’s a good doggy when he remains calm. This tip can also be applied whenever your Lab stays relaxed outdoors and around other people or other animals.

Giving treat to yellow lab dog

5.   Take a Time-out

At home, you can encourage your yellow Lab to be calm by putting him in his own crate or an enclosed area whenever you notice signs of overexcitement. When your doggy calms down, calmly take him back to your area and observe if he maintains good behavior.

These time-outs can teach your Lab to control himself properly. Ignoring unwanted behavior helps your doggy understand what’s okay for him to do as opposed to what’s not.

Final Thoughts

So, when do yellow Labs calm down? While there’s no exact answer that applies to all Labs, around 2-4 years is generally the time.

Learning how to train your yellow Lab to be calm and remembering some tips on how to calm it down might come in handy, especially if you’re a new pet parent.

Overall, understanding the temperament of your furry friend will go a long way in helping you better handle your dog’s lovable personality. It may help you bid fur-well to a hectic doggy and say hello to the chill yellow Lab of your dreams.